Helping you rest, feel calm and make positive changes

Online Rest Cafe

The theme for this next cafe is finding or strengthening mental and emotional steadiness in the face of debilitating fatigue.
There will be 2 breakout rooms, both around 15 minutes each, with plenty of guided rest and relaxation either side of the conversation. The breakout rooms will offer the chance to share some of the things you find challenging, and also to share the things that help you feel mentally and emotionally stronger and more able to cope with your health challenges.
If you find once you are at the Cafe, that you don't have the energy to join the breakout rooms, you are very welcome to stay resting quietly in the main zoom room, whilst others are in the breakout.
And, as with all my sessions, you are completely welcome to join from your bed.
Places are limited, so please book here
Or email uk

The theme for April's Rest Cafe is acceptance. I will offer in questions for reflection and sharing around this theme, in the hope that conversation is not dominated by talking about symptoms (this can be draining for others), but rather focuses on sharing experiences around how to live better with the challenges of long term illness.
This is the 4th time of running the Rest Cafe, and together we are creating something very lovely! The Rest Cafe is aimed at people with fatigue, especially those with limited social energy, and offers a space for bite sized connection and conversation (in break out rooms), interspersed with regular guided rest and relaxation practices (in the main zoom room).
If you find that you don't have the energy to join the breakout rooms, then you are very welcome to stay resting quietly in the main zoom room.
To book please email:

The Online Rest Cafe is an experiment!
My intention is to offer a space in which people with fatigue - especially those with limited social energy - can meet others, but without leaving the session more exhausted than you arrived.
Bite sized opportunities for conversation and connection (in zoom break out rooms), will be interspersed with regular guided rest practices (for the whole group, in the main zoom room).
I will offer a theme for discussion within the break out rooms, which I hope will help the conversation be steered away from sharing symptoms and towards sharing ways of living better with long term health problems.
During the years I was most ill I craved something like this - small bits of social contact, along with regular pauses for rest with others.
If this appeals to you, you are welcome to join this experiment!

You are warmly invited to this Guided Relaxation session, to help you rest and recharge in the depths of winter.
The group session will include breath practices and very gentle movement enquiries.
Snuggle down, get cosy and take time for yourself...
Gift tokens are available, making this a lovely Christmas present that doesn't cost the Earth.
Treat yourself or a loved one. All are welcome.
To book please contact Alys:
100% of ticket price from this event will go to the UK registered charity Medical Aid for Palestinians:

Free Taster Sessions and Workshops

You are warmly invited to this gentle, early Autumn session, to help you let go and rest.